Discover more ways to move your money with Clover

From online payments to QR codes, tap to pay, and more – your customers can pay securely, anytime and anywhere. It’s your money, let’s make it work for you.
For a limited time, get more for less with a purchase or subscription of one or more Clover devices.*
$500 off 1 Device
$750 off 2 devices
$1,000 off 3 devices
Eligible devices: Flex, Flex Pocket, Mini, Station Solo, Station Duo and Kiosk

*Promotional offer valid from January 1, 2025, through March 31, 2025. This offer is available for qualified Pinnacle Bank merchant services customers who have not had a merchant services account processed by First Data Merchant Services LLC within the last six months. New accounts are subject to standard credit approval and underwriting requirements. Offer is valid for one rebate for a Clover Flex, Flex Pocket, Mini, Station Solo, Station Duo or Kiosk point-of-sale hardware device purchase or subscription. The $500 and $750 rebates will be initiated approximately 60 days after the account begins processing transactions; the $1,000 rebate will be initiated approximately 90 days after the account begins processing transactions. To be eligible, the merchant must (1) purchase or subscribe to a Clover Flex, Flex Pocket, Mini, Station Solo, Station Duo or Kiosk point-of-sale device; (2) must be credit approved between 1/1/25 and 3/31/25; (3) sign a merchant processing agreement; (4) activate account within 30 days from approval date. Additionally for subscription rebates, the merchant must sign up for a 36- or 48-month subscription term and have a minimum annual processing volume of $100,000. Additional fees apply to certain Clover apps’ software components and services on activated accounts. Eligibility is at the sole discretion of First Data Merchant Services LLC. Only one offer per eligible business tax ID. Offer not valid with any other offer and is subject to change without notice.
© 2025 Clover Network, LLC. The Clover name and logo are registered trademarks owned by Clover Network, LLC and are registered or used in the U.S. and many foreign countries. Use of Clover requires a Merchant Processing Agreement. All trademarks, service marks and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.